По данным блиц-опроса ВТБ, почти две трети (62%) жителей округа уже определились с местом празднования Нового года, почти половина (44%) обсудили с близкими планы на празднование, а 35% определились с путешествиями.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the preparation and planning of residents in the Volga region for the New Year holiday. The text highlights various aspects of their preparations, including: * Completing work tasks: 38% have finished all important work before the holidays. * Decorating homes: Only 32% have decorated their homes and Christmas trees. * Food shopping: 27% have started buying food for the festive meal. * Travel plans: Many plan trips to Ural and Kazan, with 42% expected to spend 30,000 to 100,000 rubles on travel. The text also touches on some traditional customs related to the period around New Year's.